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God I love this story so far! I'm so excited to see where it goes! Also for my MC to smooch Vincent.


amazing story so far! also, vincent supremacy ;)


loove this thang soo much all the characters are so well thought out and interesting and playing as mc is just so much fun its a fascinating world and im sooo invested already


not the prologue making me cry. lol 


I NEED more Vincent *swoon* <3 I obviously can't wait for the next chapter! 


Literally the prologue I started balling, I'm so sad for the MC

(1 edit) (+15)

Not to be dramatic or anything. But I would take a bullet for Helios. My MC has so much trauma but at the same time if Helios bad, why pretty? Also slight spoilers but getting to slap Luceris across the face like the little b!tch he is was quiet possibly the highlight of my entire year. 


slapping Luceris was awesome XD he shouldn't said what he said >3> I would do it again and I love Helios he is my 1# romance


I want to say that I really love how engaging the writing is! I look forward to future chapters. I’ve read, edited, etc… a lot of works: interactive and non-interactive, and yours really stands out to me! I find your book (specifically) to be really unique. Not only is the punctuation, grammar, and vocabulary exquisite… but the characterization, foreshadowing, plot, and story telling are, too! If you don’t already have plans to put a price on the final version, I truly believe you should consider it. It’s even better considering you’re a humble person/author, which we don’t see much of those these days… Based on the comments, it’s fair to say that you did such a great job at pulling in readers! I recommend that everyone should read this at least once. 

(1 edit) (+8)

GOD I LOVE THIS SERIES SOO MUCHH!! 😭🫶🏻 i love how our MC reacted to certain situations, and I love the characters and how unplain they are. The storyline is also VERY interesting unlike other series. Right now, I'm just wishing that one of our siblings except for our sister is actually alive, specifically our lovely twin. And maybe the other necklace would be a hint that our twin is actually alive?? Not sure. 😞

Currently waiting for chapter 4 even though the 3rd chapter was released not even a month ago. 😌


Taking every chance I can to kick the MC in the gut.


There are a lot of very nuanced relationships to navigate in this IF, which makes it very fun to RP in. I did not mean to write a small essay but this IF has so many fascinating setups lmao I have brainworms (minor spoilers below)

The relationship between the MC, Lancelot, and Luceris is extremely interesting-- at moments, Luceris often even seems fond of his "bird", whereas Lancelot is very protective of the MC (and seems to have a deeper relationship with Luceris?). The MC I play feels caught between wanting to forge a deeper connection with Lancelot as a guardian figure but feeling betrayed by Lancelot's loyalty and affection for Luceris, realizing that a Shield's first priority is their king.

There's a similar potential divide felt there with Hunter, as they're Helios's Shield. When and if it comes time to choose, there's a hint of uncertainty: will Hunter side with the MC, Helios, or Rosea? Does that affect how close the player allows their MC to be with Hunter?

Also very intriguing (and the most potentially angsty route) is the  relationship between the MC and Helios. It's been fascinating to see these glimpses of Helios's personality and personal philosophy growing up. The MC often compares him to his father, but is his personality all that different from Luceris's prior to the consort's poisoning? Add on the fact that his appearance grows closer to Luceris's by the year, reinforced by its effect on the MC in the latest update, well... Moreover, it's doubtful that Luceris would approve of a budding romance between his two wards, or really, any romance involving Helios based on his reaction to the duke's child, though his thoughts on friendship are more obscure. 

Then, finally, the underlying theme of revenge-- is letting go and being happy the best revenge, as people say? Is finding the truth and potentially clearing your family name the path to catharsis? Would striking Luceris be enough, or must all his collaborators fall as well, even when that list includes Lancelot? Could the best revenge be turning Prince Helios against his father... or even, destroying the prince's heart and trust in a twisted bid to have Luceris watch his son fall to ruin? And if Catarina and your family really did set things in motion somehow... what then? Does it shift the spotlight of the MC's ire?


you kinda went crazy with this ngl


I really, really love the update!

I, too, picked for my MC to write often in the journal and in the bathing scene it said that the water was more calming than writing in it... 

And then... I've chosen drawing as my mc's hobby (as an introverted, socially awkward little snowflake with a way too strong sense of duty). But as the mc was about to participate in the hunt it said that hunting has always been the mc's favorite? It doesn't fit, especially cause I chose for them to participate despite personally hating the mere thought of hurting an animal - they're a bookworm through and through with almost no fighting skills at all and only forced themselfes to join in, with being the consort and propriety and all that fuss :D

Well. Im always eager to ready your story and despite all the hate... i kinda like Luceris. Especially the dynamic of my rather kind and docile MC and him. Their scenes just have such an authentic feeling to it. The unwanted adoptive child that you somehow awkwardly positioned as your decoy-husband blinded by rage in a revenge plot that made so much sense back then but now brings forth a quite distressing and rather complicated mess of emotions that more often than not contradict each other... 

I deeply love this story for how Luceris is portrayed. Humans are such multifaceted beings and emotions can shift and coexist despite common sense. Its a truly authentic mess and I crave for more :)

And even though I care so deeply for that unhealthy and yet strangeky endearing family-killer/Guardian -and his victim/kinda-adoptive-child/decoy-husband-thing, I of course am all in for the ro's. 

My mc simps for Vincent without really wanting to acknowledge it though. Vincents mum alone is reason enough for my MC to becespecially cautious. Who would choose such a mother-in-law willingly? Quite the predicament indeed.

Well, that was enough blabbering. Stay safe and healthy, dear author :)


Hello! Thank you for your kind words, I am happy to know you enjoy this little story of mine! 💗 Could you tell me where exactly it says MC's favorite is hunting when that isn't the case for your MC?


Loved the update!  There was one inconsistency where I picked the choice to write in the journal often but then in the bath got the line that the water was more calming than writing in the journal because I didn't write in it often.  One thing I would really love is to give us a light mode option back.  For those of us with astigmatism, reading white letters on a black background can actually damage our eyesight more.  Other than that it was fantastic and I can't wait for more!


Hello! I am glad you enjoyed it. 💗 Due to popular demand, light mode is back! It does start with dark mode so everyone will have to go to the settings and switch it. ^^ I'll take a look at that bath time bug later. :)


Oooooh 😍 loving this update so much! 


I love this game so much, the worldbuilding lives rent free in my mind. Thank you SO much author for this gift to all IF's enjoyers💕💕💕💕💕


me waking up after a 10 hours nap, instantly turning my phone on FOR THIS GLORIOUS MOMENT, HELL YEAH.


Hi, was curious to play this game but wanted to know if timed events would be announced before you make them/ have a count down timer?  I just get so stressed during timed events haha


Currently the demo doesn't have timed events! When I add it I'll put a setting to turn timed choices off. ^^


Okay, thank you for the reply!


This chapter ate, I like really try to be forgiving and kind, but um no Luceris needs to burn in the pit of hell. 


Thank you so much for uploading <3


Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it. 💗



(1 edit) (+9)

Im totally not checking every hour to see if the glorious public release of chapter 3 happens, noooo why would I do such thing ( PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)


It will be in around 4 hours! Still a bit to go. 🫣


me too xD ever since i woke up , worked till now at 21:05  (gmt+9) hahaha I’m very excited 


I remember playing this game when the first chapter came out and it instantly hooked me but I decided to put it down and give it some time just so I don't get sad when I finish the story so quickly, I completely forgot this game existed and always called it in my mind the crown game 😅🤣 and finally I randomly found it today while browsing through some IF's reccomendations and the fact that chapter 3 is coming out in a mere few days has me hyped,so I will patiently wait until it comes out before diving into this world again,I don't think I can handle waiting any longer.

(1 edit) (+2)

The story and the plot itself are so amazing 😭. I'm waiting impatiently for the next chapter... I'm literally thinking about this every time I touch my phone and check if a new chapter has been updated... Author you're doing a  breathtaking job in this...

Thank you so much 💗 Just 4 days to go until public release! 🥳


Really love this story; thank you for sharing with us. You're a wonderfully talented author. This is definitely one of the stories I check constantly for updates. I'm so excited for the next chapter!

Is the game dropped since no new update From 2023 to 2024? 🥲🥲 plzz don't 


No, it isn't dropped! My last devlog was in september (check it out if you haven't read the short stories yet!) and since 2024 did just start, I have only been quiet on here for 3-4 months LOL.

Chapter 3 will be coming in February. 😉


I think setting the room on fire is the best ending tbh, it was very epic


idk how to find em on ko-fi. I log in and when I search for their name, it doesn't pop up.


Hey! their Ko-Fi link is in the game's description as well but here it is :




a gut wrenching IF that I hope the Author is proud of because its so good and its not even done!

(2 edits) (+10)

Love this story and look foward to the next Chapters! Really hope we get the option to have Luceris face the monter he made! Would love the option to remove Vincent's miserable head from his wretched, brooding, shoulders.


omgg i love this 




I must say I found it a bit ridiculous when Luceris made our 9-year-old MC the new queen simply out of revenge against their sister. Considering that a child with no family in an enemy country really doesn't have the right to say "no", the story development actually makes sense, but things still frustrate me a little when there's a refuse option here and it doesn't really make sense.

I hate this sick king, yes, and can't wait for revenge :) looking forward to the updates and seeing what good stories you bring us!


I read again because so good :O and I don't want vengeance well I think best way to go live as best you can and rub it in their face because your better than them and you will not go down that route like they did :D >.> and my guy to be in love with the kings son :D 

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Shipping them both has me giggling and crying. The angst of it all. MC's jaded personality in contrast with his optimistic one. Has me wanting to crawl into the covers and die T_T


Right DX but I just want to be kind and cuddle him and not let go lol


If I had some money in the bank, I would seriously tip you for 10$. I loved your story, I loved your characters. I came from choices and signed up just to wait for this story to be updated. and I'm looking forward to it.🥰😍

(1 edit) (+3)

All I want is to go back to my country and, hopefully, rebuild or at the very least live there anonymously for a time then travel the world. Basically leaving this enemy country is my revenge+healing. I want the king or "Emperor" or whatever to live (but I feel like he'd have to die for me to leave his country) so he suffers to his death with the same unquenchable love.
I'm utterly cold to anyone who has anything to do with the fall of my country, except for that one soldier who fed me non-stop. Courteous, cautiously, with Lancelot and people who show favorability to me but that's where I draw the line. I know they are good people, but I hate them (Yet, somehow, my stats show that I'm "Charming". Interesting, I suppose not being rude helps. Also, I feel so sad, the 9 yo I played was so mature it was unsettling but that's life for ya.)
I want to leave this place. Use the knowledge they give me while training to be a royal consort to further my older brother's research if possible and don't look back. If nothing else I could make a living with my "royal" IQ, right? xD


Omg, This has become my new favorite IF. Its such an amazing story and the writing is spectacular. It got me so emotional ToT. The need for VENGEANCE is strong. Can't wait to see what the story has in store!

Also hope Luceris enjoys the gift. Totally felt satisfying 😌 


I LOVE THIS GAME!! The entire game got me feeling emotions so strong I started weeping in my dad's office in front of his co-workers so that was an experience! I love how you write emotions— especially anger and grief.

1. King Luceris, I will make you perish in a heart beat and watch as the life BLEEDS from your eyes with bliss. It is on SIGHT.

Romance be dammed (just kidding, literally in love with Hunter he's so sweet omgg)

2. Vincent- shut up yo ass up, everytime he (or any other ignorant *ssh*les) starts talking sh*t I feel a needle poking mockingly at my brain and it makes me yearn for sweet scrumptious revenge.

3. Fadiya's great— I wanna give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead (—3—)💕 (platonically)

4. Lancelot kinda made me angry but I decided to warm up to him so MC doesn't have a short number of people to seek comfort and safety from. Though, Lancelot won't technically be enough to replace MC's former dad, I still wanna see MC and Lancelot having a father/child dynamic. He's a chill guy:D

Questions- do we get more Lancelot lore?👀 and do we get the option to be a little shit and and fuck around just to give Vincent an aneurysm cuz I'm pretty like that? >:) 

Anyways have a good day!^^


Thank you so much for your kind words! 💗

You will get more Lancelot lore in forms of side stories (that will be on a different file so not this page) and in his codex page which will come with Chapter 3!

And yes, you will get plenty of chances to fuck around. 😉

I hope you have a good day as well! 💗


The feeling of having your entire life taken from you, and having the chance to do it unto others....will I crave vengeance, or walk the higher road? or Will I pick both!?

I love it~ Thanks for the hard work, you can really feel the emotions of the characters, I like that there are options to give in to the urge of vengeance, but then backing off and being rational, really well written~

Can't wait for more!


I'm literally crying at 3 am rn. 

THIS IS SO SAD AND AND MY HEART BROKE INTO PIECES. I'm so glad there an option to fight back/revenge. That it, I'm gonna play revenge route first to revenge for her family dead before romancing ToT


This is so good! I love this soo much! one question, will there be a love triangle? (I'm kind of into those things)


Thank you! 💗 A love triangle isn't in the plans.


Damn it was bloody brilliant. Great demo, was sad for MC but glad she gets to fight back. Can't wait for more. Oh quick question, will the king be a RO/LI?

(1 edit) (+10)

Thank you! 💗

Luceris is not an RO, the situation would be frankly distasteful as he is more than 20 years older than MC at the beginning, killed their family, and kidnapped them.


Good to know. I was just curious.


I wondered about that, too. The romanceable characters are only starting to get more room in the story at the current end of the demo - which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong :) But yeah, I had the impression of Luceris being like a secret RO, too 😅 Simply cause their interactions are many plus pretty intense and I guess thats the reason Luceris tends to leave a heavier impression at the moment 😊

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